Suche nach Fachkräften
123 Fachkräfte gefunden
Coaching, Beratung, Supervision Psychologie |
Pharmazie Full driving licence |
Physiotherapie Physiotherapy, manual treatment, postural treatment, Strain Counterstrain technique, health |
Zahnmedizin Working in Therapy and Surgery Dentistry. (Have both licensees) |
Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege - General nursing interventions; |
Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege human service, word management, excel, power point, publisher, certification in hospital waste management and health system at work, administration in human resources |
Pharmazie Relationship building and rapport |
Physiotherapie Diplomated in Neuro Rehabilitation I, II, III (neuroscience, adults, childs) |
Hebammenkunde (weiterführend) I love my job. Being able to accompany the mother and her family in something so beautiful is a privilege. |
Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege I am an enthusiastic and sociable person. |
Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege Qualities: Initiative, trust, self-motivation, leadership, effort, commitment, humility, dynamism, pro-activity, responsibility. |
Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege Teamwork |
Hebammenkunde (weiterführend) Experiência com crianças,gestantes e adultos , atualmente cursando pós graduação em Enfermagem Obstétrica. Experiência em coleta de exames laboratoriais. Informática básico . Habilitação em Passagem de Catet... |
Biomed. Fachanalytiker/in - molekulare Biologie, Diagnostikkeine Erfahrung ID: 48946566Deutschland Biomedizin, Molekulare Medizin Pluripotent stem cell culture, differentiation to neural stem cells, neurosphere formation, mRNA extraction, qPCR, immuno-cytochemistry, Qualification, Validation, writing of SOP, sterile technologies, primary cell cul... |
Esto fue lo que estudie en mi país y me gusta tengo muy buenas habilidades ya que trabaje en varios servicios de la profesión |
Humanmedizin Humanmedizin Anamnesis of the patient |
Medizinische Assistenz Working skills as medical techical radiology assistent: |
4 Jahre Berufsausbildung.Notfallsanitäter/in Grundlegende Lebenserhaltung-Erweiterte Lebenserhaltung-CPR-die Reanimation-EKG-Lesung - *Pre op - Post op Patientenbetreuung und Follow-up*-Viele berufliche Anforderungen für die Notfallmedizin.... |
Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege |
Humanmedizin - practical skills for examing patients and performing clinical procedures |
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