10/2017 – 10/2019
Versorgungstechnik (weiterführend)
, Deutschland
- Hauptfach: Operations research and business analytics
Courses: Data Mining, Machine Learning, Concepts and Algorithms of Optimization,
Integer and Combinatorial Optimization with Applications, Intelligent Data Analysis,
Stochastic Models in Production and Logistics, Advanced Computational Transportation, Inventory Management, Database concepts, Simulation in Arena, Advanced Marketing
Seminar: Analysis of Manufacturing Systems
Project: Estimation of the performance of an Automated Storage and Retrieval System
06/2013 – 03/2015
Produktionstechnik (weiterführend)
, Indien
- Hauptfach: operations management
- Nebenfach: marketing management
08/2008 – 05/2012
Informations-, Kommunikationstechnik
, Indien
- Hauptfach: electronics and telecommunications