11/2014 – 06/2018
, Frankreich
Polymer matrix composites, Fiber reinforced composites, Plasma surface modification of polymers and fibres, Surface modification of cellulosic surfaces,coir based PP/EPDM composites
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08/2009 – 07/2011
, Indien
Specialisation name: Integrated Design and Manufacturing
Subjects studied: Computational mathematics, material science and engineering, theory of elasticity and plasticity, reliability methods, computer aided product development, analysis of material removal processes, optimization for design and manufacturing, manufacturing automation, systems engineering lab, product engineering lab, and computer-aided inspection and quality engineering, finite element methods, product lifecycle management, material joining technologies
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07/2003 – 06/2007
, Indien
Subjects studied: Engineering mathematics, engineering physics, engineering chemistry, humanities, engineering graphics, engineering mechanics, computer programming in c, electrical engineering, mechanics of fluids, mechanics of solids, material science and metallurgy, machine drawing, strength of materials lab, mechanics of machinery, advanced mechanics of solids, thermodynamics, electronics, fluid machinery, fluid mechanics and machinery lab, production engineering lab, software engineering, dynamics of machinery, advanced mechanics of fluids, heat and mass transfer, linear system anaysis, numerical analysis, heat transfer lab, machine vibrations and industrial noise control, operations research, metal casting and joining, thermal engineering, machine design, optimisation techniques, thermal engineering lab, economics, industrial management, metal forming, entrepreneurship, instrumentation lab, operations management, manufacturing science and technology, quality engineering and management, CAD/CAM lab
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