05/2014 – 04/2017
Energietechnik (weiterführend)
, Italien
The thesis title is “”, where a special track lies along the road and moving vehicles interact with it to get charged inductively. The research mainly focuses on inductive power transfer (IPT), resonant coupling, IPT track layout, coil design using FEA, power supply, and power converters. Necessary experiments are carried out to prove the proposed hypothesis.
- Dokument_Studium_011.pdf
07/2009 – 05/2011
Elektrotechnik (weiterführend)
, Indien
Specialization in Power electronics and machine drives.
Worked on wind energy extraction using permanent magnet generator, which involves design, control and experimentation of the system to capture optimum power and feed to the grid at unity power factor. The activities included modeling of wind-turbine, PM motor, DC link power converters, and simulation with MPPT control. Also, developed an experimental setup operated and controlled with a DSP processor.
- Dokument_Studium_021.pdf
08/2005 – 07/2009
, Indien